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Deploy Ant project in Tomcat using Jenkins

Setup Ant in Jenkins:
1. Download the Ant Binary Distribution from its official site.

2. Unzip the downloaded Ant file.

3. Go to Manage Jenkins  and click on  Configure System

4. Scroll down and Go to Ant Installation and click Add Ant.

5. Uncheck the Install Automatically , another wise it will download the Ant online,
After unchecking the Install Automatically it will show textfield for ANT_HOME.

6. You can specify Ant Name any name that you want to use for referering the particular Ant,
And in ANT_HOME you need to specify the location for Ant where the Extracted Ant is available.

7. After that apply and save the changes.

Install Tomcat Deployment plugin in Jenkins:

1. Go to Manage Jenkins  and click on Manage Plugin

2. Open Available tab and Select  Deploy To Container plugin and Install it using Install without Restart.

3. After that is Start the installation  and redirect you to Installing Plugins/Upgrades page.

4. Now select the Restart Jenkins when installation is complete and no jobs are running checkbox.

Create Ant Project using Netbeans :

1. Choose File > New Project  from the main menu. Select the Java Web category, then select Web Application. Click Next.
The New Project wizard allows you to create an empty web application in a standard IDE project.

2. In Project Name, enter JenkinsTest. Also, specify the location for the project on your computer. Click Next.

3. In the Server and Settings panel, specify the Tomcat server as server which will be used to run the application.

4. In the Java EE Version field, select Java EE 5. 

5. Click Finish. The IDE creates a project template for the entire application, and opens an empty JSP page (index.jsp) in the editor. The index.jsp file serves as the welcome page for the application.

Create Job for Build Creation and Deployment in Jenkins:

1. Go to New Items and specify the Item name "JenkinTestDeployment" and select Freestyle project.

2. In the Item Configuration specify Project name  "JenkinTestDeployment" and Set the Source Code Management  to None.

3. In the build section, select Execute Shell and add the following command
cp -R [ProjectLocation] [Jenkin_WorkSpace]

4. Also add Invoke Ant in the Build Section.

5. In the Ant Version select the configured Ant and add the build.xml in Build File

6. In Post-Build Action, select Deploy war/ear to a container and specify the war location and Tomcat manager-script user credentials.

7. Apply and Save the item

8. After the Deploy the build using Build Now button
9. You can check the console log for the build status and errors.
