Tomcat has its own application with the name "ROOT" that is runing in the main root (/) context path, So when ever you install new tomcat and try to accesss http://localhost:8080/ then it will show you the default tomcat home page, If you want to deploy you application at http://localhost:8080/ then there is two way to do this 1. ROOT.war : Create your application war file with the name ROOT.war and place it in the [TOMCAT_HOME]/webapps/ directory and restart tomcat services 2. Server.xml : If you can't change the war file name then in server.xml file there is one context tag that is use to map your application on any context Remove the ROOT folder directory from [TOMCAT_HOME]/webapps/ Copy your application war file into the same directory , let suppose your application war file name is "app.war". Edit the server.xml file located at [TOMCAT_HOME]/conf/server.xml, and add the context tag < Context path = "/" docBase = "app...